Learning Lean 4 as a programming language 3 – Weak sequences
Problem 3: Largest prime factor
This problem proved to be a quick snack for Lean 4, and I was able to solve it with a quick call to the library function Nat.factors
Revisiting Problem 2: Even Fibonacci numbers
After solving problem 3, I decided to have a closer look at some of the types I found while looking for a solution for problem 2. I realized that I could use very similar code to the one I used for my Stream
instance, to construct members of type Stream'
, Stream'.Seq
, and Stream'.WSeq
. I realized that Stream'.Seq.corec
used the same construction, that I had used for my FibStream
, so the following creates a Stream'.Seq ℕ
def fibSeq : Stream'.Seq ℕ := Stream'.Seq.corec FibStream.next? FibStream.init
This is one instance where I found the source code difficult to understand. It looks like a proof using tactics, but it supposedly produces a function that executes. I will have to revisit this in the future. But at least I understood that it was based on Stream'.corec'
. When looking at this function, I realized that I could easily adopt my code to create a Stream'
of Fibonacci numbers, since there are indeed an infinite number of them. The only thing I needed to do is to define a next
function which unlike the next?
function I had used so far doesn’t return an Option
structure FibStream : Type where
x₁ : ℕ
x₂ : ℕ
deriving Repr
namespace FibStream
def next (s : FibStream) : ℕ × FibStream :=
match s with
| ⟨x₁, x₂⟩ =>
let x₃ := x₁ + x₂
(x₃, ⟨x₂, x₃⟩)
def next? := some ∘ next
instance : Stream FibStream ℕ where
next? := next?
def init : FibStream := ⟨0, 1⟩
end FibStream
def fibSeq : Stream'.Seq ℕ := Stream'.Seq.corec FibStream.next? FibStream.init
def fibStream' : Stream' ℕ := Stream'.corec' FibStream.next FibStream.init
On the plus side, there is a filter
function defined for this set of types, so I can use this to create a Stream'.WSeq
of even Fibonacci numbers.
def evenFibWSeq := Stream'.WSeq.filter (fun x => x % 2 = 0) fibSeq
But there is no takeWhile
and no sum
, so the gain is limited. And it’s not obvious that using these classes would lead to a better solution for problem 2. So let’s leave it at this for now and look at the next problem.
Problem 4: Largest palindrome product
For problem 2 I decided to stick with a pure functional style and avoid do
notation as well as monads. So let’s try do
notation for a change.
def maxCompound (factor_min factor_max : ℕ) (filter : ℕ → Bool) : Option ℕ := Id.run do
let mut result := none
for i in [factor_min : factor_max + 1] do
for j in [factor_min : i + 1] do
let n := i * j
if filter n
then match result with
| none => result := some n
| some n' => if n > n' then result := some n
This works and gives the correct result, even though it’s rather inefficient. I could improve this by looping from max
to min
, but I didn’t find an obvious way for doing this. I could use some helper variable, but since I’ve solved this problem, so let’s move on.
Problem 5: Smallest multiple
The key question here turns out to be how to best represent the natural numbers from 1 to 20. I certainly don’t want to type out a literal list with these numbers. Fortunately, Std.Range
, which I used for problem 4, is a natural candidate, it even comes with syntactic sugar, so I can use [1 : 21]
, unfortunately, it seems to only be meant to be used with a monad in a for
loop, and doesn’t come with the usual functional features, one might expect. So let’s use a for
loop to implement foldl
def Std.Range.foldl (f : α → ℕ → α) (init : α) (r : Std.Range) : α := Id.run do
let mut result := init
for i in r do
result := f result i
return result
With this, the rest is easy.
Problem 6: Sum square difference
Easily solved using the Std.foldl
, defined for the previous problem.
Problem 7: 10001st Prime
I’m somewhat surprised that this isn’t implemented in Mathlib, though I guess since it’s focus is on proving stuff, there aren’t many proofs which require the n-th prime. Mathlib has a function Nat.decidablePrime
which probably implements a really smart and reasonably fast algorithm, but it’s not quite what I need. In other languages I have solved this by writing a prime generator, which creates a potentially infinite data structure of primes, which I can iterate over. So this means we are back to streams.
Here is a complete implementation of my prime generator:
import Mathlib
import LearnLean.Stream
structure PrimeGenerator where
known_primes : List ℕ
candidate : ℕ
deriving Repr
namespace PrimeGenerator
def init : PrimeGenerator := ⟨[], 2⟩
instance : Inhabited PrimeGenerator := ⟨init⟩
def relevant_primes (c : PrimeGenerator) : List ℕ :=
c.known_primes.takeWhile (·^2 ≤ c.candidate)
def check_candidate_prime (c : PrimeGenerator) : Bool :=
¬ c.relevant_primes.any (· ∣ c.candidate)
def step (c : PrimeGenerator) : (Option ℕ) × PrimeGenerator:=
if c.check_candidate_prime
then (some c.candidate, ⟨c.known_primes ++ [c.candidate], c.candidate + 1⟩)
else (none, { c with candidate := c.candidate + 1})
partial def next (c : PrimeGenerator) : ℕ × PrimeGenerator :=
match c.step with
| (none, c') => next c'
| (some p, c') => (p,c')
def next? (c : PrimeGenerator) : Option (ℕ × PrimeGenerator) :=
some (next c)
instance : Stream PrimeGenerator ℕ := ⟨next?⟩
end PrimeGenerator
One thing I noticed was that, when I tried to use Stream'.Seq.corec
and tried to access the 10001nth element, I got a Stack overflow. So it seems the Stream'
structures aren’t a good choice for this kind of this kind of programming after all. Which means we need to implement the missing functions for Stream
, which I am collecting in the LearnLean.Stream
package I’m importing. Here is the implementation for the get?
namspace Stream
def get? (n : Nat) (s : Stream_α) : Option α :=
let next? := Stream.next? s
match n with
| 0 => next?.map (fun (next, _) => next)
| n + 1 => match next? with
| none => none
| some (_, s') => get? n s'
end Stream
One thing to be careful about is that this get?
function is 0-based, that means the first prime 2 gets returned by Stream.get? 0 PrimeGenerator.init
Lean is not just a functional programming language, but also a theorem prover, so I will try to prove something about my code in my next post.
Open Questions
I will start collecting some open questions at the end of my posts, which I will hopefully answer in a future post.
- What does
do? How does it work? - How do I implement a custom
? - Is
related toStream'.Seq
in any way? - Is there a canonical way to iterate over the members of a type (where this makes sense)?
One thought on “Learning Lean 4 as a programming language 3 – Weak sequences”
> Is there a canonical way to iterate over the members of a type (where this makes sense)?
I would also really like to know this