In my last post I described a style which uses Subtype as a return type in order to merge the primary theorem about a function with its type signature. If I use this style for my own code, my functions will take inputs of some arbitrary types, but always return a Subtype as a final result. And when writing new code I will want to combine such functions by applying one to the result of another. More precisely, given a value of type Subtype p_α, with p_α : α → Prop, and a function f : α → Subtype p_β , with p_β : β → Prop, I want to get a result of type Subtype p_β‘, for some suitable p_β' : β → Prop, that means I want a function with type signature: Subtype p_α → (β → Subtype p_β) → Subtype p_β‘. This looks almost like the type signature of the monadic bind. It’s not quite the same, since Subtype uses a predicate, rather than a type as an argument. But with a small tweak, it’s possible to construct a functor Subtypes which is also a lawful monad. The reason this is possible is because in Lean 4 Predicate is a lawful (covariant) functor and monad.

The Predicate monad

In the context of Lean, a predicate is a map from a type α to Prop. While there is a DecidablePred in mathlib, there doesn’t exist a Predicate type yet, so I define it myself. This also includes the imports I need and starts the Predicate namespace.

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Functor
import Mathlib.Tactic
import Enumerations.Tactic

def Predicate: Type u) := α  Prop

namespace Predicate

The most obvious way to create a new predicate from a given predicate and a function is simple composition.

def contramap {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (p : β  Prop) := p  f

I’ve called this function contramap because it is contravariant, given a function f : α → β, I get a function contramap f : Predicate β → Predicate α, which switches α and β. This turns Predicate into a contravariant functor, a construction which is also possible in Haskell. But in Lean it is also possible to define the following covariant map function, which uses the existential quantor.

def map {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (p : α  Prop) := fun b : β =>  a : α, p a  b = f a

The resulting Predicate is in general undecidable, since finding the preimage of a function is in general undecidable. But this doesn’t worry me here, since I can still use it to reason about programs, even if computing such a predicate would require proving decidability.

With this I can create a Functor instance and prove it is lawful.

instance instFunctor : Functor Predicate where
  map := map

def map_def {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (p : α  Prop) := by
  transform (f <$> p : Predicate β) =>
    simp []
    unfold map

instance instFunctor.instLawful : LawfulFunctor Predicate where
  map_const := by
    intro α β
    apply Eq.refl
  id_map := by
    intro α a
    simp only [map_def, id_eq, exists_eq_right']
  comp_map := by
    intros α β γ g h p
    funext c
    simp only [map_def, Function.comp_apply, eq_iff_iff]
    · intro a, _
      use g a
      simp_all only [and_true]
      use a
      simp_all only [and_self]
    · intro b, a, _, eq
      subst eq
      use a
      simp_all only [and_self]

But Predicate is more than just a Functor, it is also a Monad.

def pure {α : Type u} (a : α) : Predicate α := fun a' => a' = a

def bind {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (p : Predicate α) (f : α  Predicate β) : Predicate β :=
  fun b =>  a : α, p a  f a b

instance instMonad : Monad Predicate where
  pure := pure
  bind := bind

I find the definition for pure quite natural, and the definition of bind uses the same trick as map.

In the next part, I am using a custom tactic, which allows me to use tactics to write a theorem, almost like in a computer algebra system. It only works for def rather than theorem, and I don’t understand the downsides of that, but as far as I’ve seen, it works quite nicely.

def pure_def {α : Type u} (a : α) := by
  transform (Pure.pure a : Predicate α) =>
    simp only [Pure.pure]
    unfold pure

def bind_def {α β : Type u} (f : α  Predicate β) (p : Predicate α) := by
  transform p >>= f =>
    simp only [Bind.bind]
    unfold bind

def seq_def {α β : Type u} (f : Predicate β)) (p : Predicate α) := by
  transform f <*> p =>
    simp only [Seq.seq, map_def]
    unfold bind
    simp only

theorem pure_apply {α : Type u} (a a' : α) : (Pure.pure a : Predicate α) a'  a' = a := by rfl

I am still learning Lean and I have wondered why the monad laws are in a separate LawfulMonad type class and not folded into the Monad type class, but this turned out to be really useful here, since it allowed me to define the monad first and prove these properties of it, which I could then use to prove the monad laws.

instance instMonad.instLawful : LawfulMonad Predicate := by
  · intro α a
    funext a'
    simp only [map_def, id_eq, exists_eq_right']
  · intro α β a f
    funext b
    simp only [pure_def, bind_def]
    apply propext; apply Iff.intro
    · intro a', eq, h
      subst eq
      exact h
    · intro h
      use a
  · intros α β γ p f g
    simp only [bind_def]
    funext c
    apply propext; apply Iff.intro
    · intro b, a, _, _, _
      use a
      simp_all only [true_and]
      use b
    · intro a, _, b, _, _⟩⟩
      use b
      simp_all only [and_true]
      use a
  · intros α β f p
  · intros α β p q
  · intros α β p q
  · intros α β f p
    funext b
    simp only [bind_def, map_def, pure_def]
  · intros α β f p
    simp only [bind_def, map_def, pure_def, seq_def]

The Subtypes monad

Subtype obviously isn’t a functor, because it has the wrong type signature, but the following related type has the right signature.

import Enumerations.Predicate

structure Subtypes: Type u) : Type u where
  predicate : Prop)
  val : α
  property : predicate val

namespace Subtypes

Since it only has α as a parameter, predicate needs to be another field in addition to val and property. I chose the plural name, because Subtypes α represents all possible Subtype-s for predicates over α.

def toSubtype {α : Type u} (s : Subtypes α) : Subtype s.predicate := s.val,

def fromSubtype {α : Type u} {p : α  Prop} (s : Subtype p) : Subtypes α := p, s.val,

instance: Type u} {p : α  Prop} : CoeOut (Subtype p) (Subtypes α) := fromSubtype

It’s straight forward to go from Subtype to Subtypes, though I don’t if it’s possible or advisable to setup a coercion from Subtypes to Subtype.

For the definition of map, I use that Predicate is a functor.

def map {α β : Type u} (f : α  β)  (s : Subtypes α) := (f <$> s.predicate : Predicate β) (f s.val) <| by
    simp only [Predicate.map_def]
    use s.val
    simp only [, and_self]

instance instFunctor : Functor Subtypes where
  map := map

def map_def {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (s : Subtypes α) := by
  transform (f <$> s) =>
    simp only []
    unfold map

theorem map_predicate {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (s : Subtypes α) : (f <$> s).predicate = (f <$> s.predicate : Predicate β) := by
  simp only [map_def, Set.fmap_eq_image]

theorem map_val {α β : Type u} (f : α  β) (s : Subtypes α) : (f <$> s).val = f s.val := by
  simp only [map_def, Set.fmap_eq_image]

instance instFunctor.instLawful : LawfulFunctor Subtypes where
  map_const := by
    intro α β
  id_map := by
    intro α a
    simp only [map_def, id_map, id_eq]
  comp_map := by
    intros α β γ g h p
    simp only [map_def, comp_map, Function.comp_apply]

The lawfulness of the Subtypes functor is a direct consequence of the lawfulness of the Predicate functor.

Defining the Subtypes monad and proving it’s lawfulness is analogous to what I’ve shown above.

def pure {α : Type u} (a : α) : Subtypes α := (Pure.pure a : Predicate α) a <| by
  simp only [Predicate.pure_def]

def bind {α β : Type u} (s : Subtypes α) (f : α  Subtypes β) : Subtypes β :=
  mk (s.predicate >>= fun a => (f a).predicate : Predicate β) (f s.val).val <| by
    simp only [Predicate.bind_def]
    use s.val
    simp only [, (f s.val).property, and_self]

instance instMonad : Monad Subtypes where
  pure := pure
  bind := bind

def pure_def {α : Type u} (a : α) := by
  transform (Pure.pure a : Subtypes α) =>
    simp only [Pure.pure]
    unfold pure

def bind_def {α β : Type u} (f : α  Subtypes β) (s : Subtypes α) := by
  transform s >>= f =>
    simp only [Bind.bind]
    unfold bind

theorem pure_predicate {α : Type u} (a : α) : (pure a).predicate = (Pure.pure a : Predicate α) := rfl

theorem bind_predicate {α β : Type u} (f : α  Subtypes β) (s : Subtypes α) :
    (s >>= f).predicate = (s.predicate >>= fun x => (f x).predicate : Predicate β) := rfl

instance instMonad.instLawful : LawfulMonad Subtypes := by
  · intro α a
    simp only [map_def, id_map, id_eq]
  · intro α β a f
    simp only [pure_def, bind_def, pure_bind]
  · intro α β γ a f g
    simp only [bind_def, bind_assoc]
  · intro α β f p
  · intro α β f p
  · intro α β f p
  · intro α β f p
    simp only [pure_def, bind_def, bind_pure_comp, map_def]
  · intro α β f p

This Subtypes monad gets me a long way, but it isn’t the ultimate monad I want to use. The Subtypes monad allows me to express postconditions, but I also want to be able to easily state that the postcondition is the strongest possible. For this I constructed another monad, which I call Enumerations, and which I will present in a future post.

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